Membership Terms

1.Association is free for entry and exit of participants. The members of the Association are its founders and members of the Association (full and associate members) - the companies admitted to the Association which adhere to the requirements of the Charter of the Association and fulfill the decisions of the General Assembly of the Association.

2.A member of the Association can be any enterprise or association of enterprises that have expressed a desire to be a member of the Association and have been admitted to the Association in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Association.

3.The procedure for acquiring and termination of membership in the Association is determined by the Charter of the Association.

4.The Association establishes two categories of membership: real and associate. The founders of the Association are its active members from the moment of the state registration of the Association.

5.Associate membership in the Association occurs on the basis of the decision of the Presidium of the Association on the acceptance of a legal entity by associate members of the Association.

6.Actual membership in the Association can be obtained by legal entities with a term of stay of at least three months as an associate member of the Association. The decision on acquiring the status of a valid member of the Association shall be taken by the Association Presidium.

7.Members of the Association have the rights and obligations stipulated by the Charter.

8.The actual members participate in the General Meeting with the right to vote, associate members - with the right of an advisory vote.

9.Members of the Association are obligated to make contributions in the order and amount determined in accordance with the requirements of the Charter.

10.Membership in the Association shall be terminated due to the exclusion of the Participant from the Association or the withdrawal of the Participant from the Association.

11.The exclusion of a Participant from the Association is carried out by the decision of the Association Presidium in the following cases:

•termination of the Participant by liquidation;

•acceptance by a court of a decision on recognition of a Participant by a bankrupt;

•non-fulfillment by the Participant of the requirements stipulated by the legislation and the Charter.