Position papers
Analytical report
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Position papers
Position paper
Position paper
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Conference results
The international conference "Ukrainian Electricity Market and Nuclear Power: Path to Sustainable Development or Degradation" was held in Kyiv on December 4, 2019.
Conference results
The International Conference "Ukrainian Nuclear Forum-2019: Modern Nuclear Energy - State and Trends of Development»" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Ukrainian Nuclear Forum Association was held in Kyiv on July 3 and 4, 2019.
President of the Association Ukrainian Nuclear Forum Yuri Nedashkovskyy, together with leaders of the nuclear industry of EU, has signed the Manifesto on Preventing Climate Change
UNF Association is an associate member of Foratom
UNF Association was the first of the adopted by the European Foratom organization from countries, which are not members of the European Union.