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The Ukrainian Nuclear Forum Association team.
About us

Association “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” in Numbers

Year of establishment


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About the Association

The “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association was officially established in 2009.

The mission of the “UNF” Association is to be the voice of member enterprises for the comprehensive development of domestic nuclear energy.

The purpose of the “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association is to coordinate economic activities related to the sustainable functioning and development of nuclear energy, which is a low-carbon technology for electricity generation.

The Association’s tasks, among others, include:

  1. Defining a common position for members to represent and advocate before the state authorities of Ukraine.
  2. Promoting a positive public opinion in Ukraine and European Union countries regarding the development of nuclear energy.

Directions of Activity of the UNF Association

Since its establishment, the Association has actively participated in shaping state policy in the energy sector and has contributed to the development of nuclear energy as a low-carbon technology for electricity generation, as well as to the sustainable functioning and development of Ukraine’s nuclear-industrial complex.

In accordance with the approved Communication Strategy, the “UNF” Association cooperates with relevant Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, executive bodies of state power – the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, and domestic regulators: the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC), the European Nuclear Europe, foreign professional Associations, independent analytical center, and scientific and technical institutions.

A key mechanism for defending and promoting the interests of the sector is responding to the preparation and publication of strategic documents, programs that are important for the future of nuclear energy and the nuclear-industrial complex.

Upon the emergence of these important documents, the Association develops position papers or open letters reflecting its stance on proposed directions for the development of nuclear energy. These documents serve as the basis for the Association’s work with government bodies and the public to advocate for the interests of the Association’s member enterprises.

The position paper is developed by a temporary working group established by the Association after the publication of a draft document at the state level. It is then sent to relevant state authorities (in particular, the Ministry of Energy, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the NEURC, and relevant Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine). The document is disseminated to mass media, published on the Internet, and made available to a wide public audience.

The UNF Association is the initiator and organizer of a series of international conferences, round tables, and the Ukrainian-French business forum, which serve as platforms for meetings of interested parties and provide opportunities to exchange information on the current state of affairs, plans, and issues in their implementation. These events are covered in the media, which helps to form a positive image of the nuclear sector in society by disseminating reliable and relevant information from these platforms.

An important direction of the UNF Association’s activities is cooperation with the mass media.

Press tours are organised to enterprises that are members of the Association to familiarise national-level media representatives with the potential of the domestic nuclear-industrial complex and energy machinery and equipment manufacturing. Association representatives provide comments to the media upon request, publish explanatory thematic materials in cases of informational needs, including on social networks.

As of today, the “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association includes 17 enterprises. The founding members – SE “NNEGC Energoatom,” SE “SkhidGZK”,” JSC “Southern Energy Construction,” RPE “Kharttron-Energo Ltd.,” and JSC “Kharkiv Institute ‘EnergoProject’” – were joined by PJSC “SNNP ‘Impulse’,” the “Nuclear Insurance Pool” Association, LLC “RPE Monolith Energo,” JSC “Turboatom,” the State Concern “Nuclear Fuel,” LLC “RPE ‘Atomcomplexprylad’,” the “UKRATOMPRYLAD” Corporation, PJSC “KCKBA,” ENCONET Consulting Ges.m.b.H (Joint Support Office), SE “SSTC NRS,” JSC KIEP, and LLC “NT-Engineering.”

Membership of the “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association in the European “Nuclear Europe”

On June 15, 2011, the “Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association was accepted as an associate member of the European Nuclear Europe at the General Assembly of the European “Nuclear Europe.”

Nuclear Europe currently represents 15 national nuclear forums from European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland), which represent the interests of 3,000 European and transnational companies (supporting around 1,100,000 jobs). The activities of these companies in the nuclear sector encompass a wide range – from nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel cycle technologies to the transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive waste management.

The UNF Association became the first organisation of its kind from a non-EU country to be accepted into the European Nuclear Europe.

The associate membership of the UNF in such an influential organisation as Nuclear Europe is a step towards our country’s integration into the European Union. This allows for coordinated positions on key issues of nuclear energy development, establishing closer relations with European structures involved in shaping European energy policy and nuclear energy development, and fostering cooperation and experience exchange in the nuclear sector with leading global companies.

What does joining the European “Nuclear Europe” provide?

• Providing UNF Association members with information on developments by European structures and delivering information about nuclear energy and the nuclear-industrial complex of Ukraine to European structures, media, and the public.

• Participation in the preparation of European regulatory documents governing the use of nuclear energy, with the possibility to engage in discussions on European energy policy.

• Harmonising policies, approaches, and forward-looking plans for the development of Ukraine’s energy sector with European structures across various aspects of nuclear energy use.

Nuclear Europe advises European policymakers in international European organisations on issues such as energy supply security, investment incentives, European legislation, public opinion, research and development, knowledge management, and waste management safety.

Nuclear Europe closely cooperates with institutions such as the “Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform” and the “High-Level Group on Safety and Waste Management,” established by the European Commission in 2007, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Euratom, WENRA (Western European Nuclear Regulators Association), the World Nuclear Association, and other international organisations.

“Ukrainian Nuclear Forum” Association – working transparently and professionally in the interests of the nuclear sector

Over the years, the UNF Association has become an essential communication tool with state structures responsible for decision-making in the energy sector, conveying the positions and interests of member enterprises; it has gained visibility in the informational space and holds authority among energy sector experts and industry journalists.

Today, the nuclear energy sector faces new serious challenges, and much work lies ahead to implement the Energy Strategy of Ukraine-2035. Therefore, the consolidation of efforts by member enterprises within the UNF Association and the synergy of joint actions, we hope, will contribute to the further development of the nuclear energy complex for the benefit of the entire Ukrainian economy.

We invite Ukrainian business to join our professional association!